Monday, November 10, 2008

Guiarist... Why?

My first passion was the nature. Living in the south of France, where the mountains are breeding with the sea, I wished to become a shepperd. I used to go to workshops and had summer jobs in farms and one of those shepperds I met introduced me to the guitar. You move one finger from C Major to A minor and a whole world is going on… No need to tell you when my parents picked me up, after the workshop, I decided to change my destiny and become a guitarist. I just wanted to play and through a music store, found my first teacher - Serge Donsey - who became my mentor and me, his favorite student.
I used to spend mornings with him, discovering jazz, Brazilian music, classical and a very important notion:to be a specialist of the non-specialization, to be curious and learn all the time. Villa Lobos was my first classical music love story. I created my imaginary Brazil - no need to tell you my first trip there matched my dreams - his music became a walk in the rain forest, portraits of Brazilians, lovers on the beach…And then, it was time to cut the umbilical cord and go to the Conservatory.
There it was a very different story:conservative people - yeah, it is the conservatory… - judgemental about your positions and a lot of things far from the music. I get into the egomaniac world. I never heard before you had different guitar schools ! I thought everyone was a part of the guitar world. Wes played with the thumb, Baden with all the fingers, Joe Pass with a pick and so what? They were different, but you can recongnize their sound like a voice. What a goal instead of being formated to the same playing style.This is what I am going to stick to as a performer and a teacher and share with you.
All the best,

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